Virtual Remedy Users Group - VRUG Join us Bi-Monthly for a gathering of like-minded professionals at our Virtual Remedy Users Group
It’s free to join and online via Zoom
What is the "Virtual Remedy Users Group"? In 2021 we started a virtual Remedy Users Group online using Zoom as our platform. We invited as many as we thought might be interested and they came. And they brought their friends. And their friends brought their friends.
While BMC owns the "Remedy" (AR System) platform - which is a great graphical "no code" interface to a database - and the name "Remedy" is still used and recognized by many companies and customers of BMC today, it was originally the name of the company that created the "Action Request System" (AR System).
We have virtual meetings every other month and invite members of the community as well as BMC to present on topics that are relevant to the customers, consultants, partners, and prospects who use and love the "Remedy" Action Request System.
Currently the agenda, meetings, invitations and recordings are managed by Bob Ellington and Phil Bautista. To request to be added to the invitation, send an email to
VRUG 21.08 At our most recent meeting on 26-AUG-2021 we had several great presentations by both BMC, their Partners, developers and customers.
Here are links to the sessions and recordings. Our meeting was schedule for two hours but went well over 3 hours! Must be doing something right!
Thanks to all of the presenters and attendees. VRUG 21 08 Intro and LVRUG Update VRUG 21 08 Jason and Misi RRRchive VRUG 21 08 Darius Overview of LVRUG Topics VRUG 21 08 LJ Longwing on the Helix Container Stack VRUG 21 08 Bob Ellington on Custom Control Panel Application |